How to Make Your Own Great Tasting Cold Brew on a Budget, The Cold Brew Coffee Recipe
Today i want to talk to all my coffee lovers out there.
You might have jumped on the trend of Cold Brew coffees, specially now in these hot summer months!
You also might know and feel the pain in your wallet! Yes, Cold Brew coffee can get expensive on a day to day basis. But we will show you how you can make your own cold brew on a budget and ditch going to your local coffee shop to get your daily fix!
The steps of making a cold brew is actually pretty simple, that's why we decided to make a quick cold brew coffee recipe on how to make your own cold brew.
Let's jump into what you will need to get started.
First you will need a infuser to make your cold brew, if you don't already have one i recommend the Infuser by Wintergreen, it's capacity is 48Oz/1.5 L and is made out of glass. It can be used to make your cold brew and or store it after it's done.
Get your Cold Brew infuser from
Next go get your favorite coffee, but make sure you go get your beens finely grounded! Everyone has their own special bean style they like, i don't thing there are "best coffee beans for cold brew", We used a brand of coffee bean for our cold brew called Kicking Horse Coffee, they have some really good flavors , our favorite "Smart Ass"!
Optional: you can add a coffee filter into the infuser if you like, they don't say you have to do so, but you will see little bit's of coffee corns will make it into the glass,
Now to the making your cold brew coffee at home.
- Fill up your container to the marked indicator on the glass bottle, for the Wintergreen it is 48Oz.
- Next up add about 30-35 tsp of coffee into the infuser, give or take on the tsp how ever strong or light you like your coffee. But start with about 30-35 and then adjust from there!
- inset the infuser into the container and close it tightly, ever now and then (6hrs give the coffee some movement)
- Let the coffee steep for about 24-48 hrs. Keep in mind, the longer you have it sit the more concentrated your cold brew coffee will be.
Once done, go ahead and enjoy your cold brew for up to 5 days in the fridge!
The first time around you will spend the most because you need to get the Cold Brew Infuser and the coffee it's self, but after that you'll be saving a lot of money! Hope all you coffee lovers out there love your new own house braded cold brew coffee. :)